男装衣服品牌,韩国衣恋集团旗下最年轻的男装品牌。 PLORY(PRIDE&GLORY的合成词,普劳瑞),韩国衣恋集团旗下最年轻的男装品牌,拥有着无限的活力与朝气,意味着自信与荣耀,光荣与梦想。 品牌风格: 强烈的英伦风尚,格子又是苏格兰风,其风格、该品牌春款一般以绿色、***为主;夏装以蓝色、白色、红色为主;秋装一般以***、藏青色为主;冬装以藏青、灰色、红色等暖色为主。
PLORY是PRIDE&GLORY的合成词,意味着自信与荣耀,光荣与梦想,作为衣恋集团旗下最年轻的男装品牌,拥有着无限的活力与朝气。 品牌设计灵感来自于美国东部名校IVY LE***UE的生活方式:学习,运动休闲,年度学院竞赛,度***旅游等,这些优越卓越的天之骄子有着他们伟大的梦想与追求,并保持着传统的贵族气质。 韩国衣恋集团旗下的PLORY是正统美国经典风格的精华,重新诠释其特有的简洁而现代的美国经典风格,通过美国东部的哈佛和耶鲁大学的独家商标使用权,表现自豪感,通过简洁的美国经典服饰,表现富足感。重新诠释简洁而现代的美国经典风格。
Dante's The Divine Comedy.
And so do some of the world's most moving art and literature, from Dante's Divine Comedy to Leonardo da Vinci's rendering of Mona Lisa's mysterious ***ile.
Perhaps trying to convince the world that his epic poem, the Divine Comedy, is not just for Ivy Le***ue intellectuals but for the common man and woman on life's journey.
Here is the story, in brief. A lonely pilgrim—it is Dante himself—strays into a dark wood, and is guided by the Roman poet Virgil down into Hell to contemplate the harrowing fate of the damned.
Dante's Divine Comedy and Chaucer's Canterbury Tales are generally regarded as the highest achievements of medieval literature.